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Take a Pet—Not a Pill October 24, 2011

Posted by Foundation Chiropractic in Animals, Chiropractic, Education, Hapiness, Health, Health Care, Information, Massage, Physical, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation, Uncategorized, Wellness.

Take a Pet—Not a Pill
They’re brought into hospitals and nursing homes to comfort and cheer patients. They’re lovable, furry and faithful and according to one study at least, they may actually be more helpful than a spouse or close friend, especially in relieving stress! The reason? Most of our stress results from critical or judgmental behavior. While a pet just loves you.
Research shows that pets not only bring comfort to the lonely, they can lower your heart rate and blood pressure and improve your mood, especially if you’re prone to depression.

Discover the health benefits of caring for a pet, especially if you’re prone to depression or loneliness.

According to the Animal Health Foundation in Southern California, a non-profit that promotes the animal-human bond, pet ownership offers many of the following health benefits:
•Dogs can prevent and help us cope with stress in our everyday lives

•Children respond with less stress to physical examinations in a doctor’s office and dental examinations when a therapy dog is present in the room

•AIDS patients who own pets experience fewer episodes of depression and less stress. Pets are a major source of support in one’s ability to cope with stress and illness

•People with dogs generally get more exercise and are in better physical shape because of having to walk them

•Dog owners are less afraid of becoming a victim of crime when walking with a dog and feel more protected when living with one

•The elderly who own pets cope better with stressful events, without having to seek medical intervention

•Tanks of brightly colored fish help to reduce the disruptive behavior of those with Alzheimer’s disease

•Owning a pet helps reduce stress for those who feel isolated socially and lack the ongoing support of family and friends
So, if emotional stress is a factor in your life, you might want to consider a furry friend who will love you unconditionally… and never question your judgment. Or talk back!


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